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Monitor mobile CPU, battery health, and RAM usage

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CpuSensFree is an efficient widget designed to keep users informed about essential metrics of their mobile device. It provides real-time data on CPU and battery temperatures, CPU frequency, and RAM usage, including both free and total memory. An outstanding feature is its ability to display the current working frequency of the processor, offering insights into the device's performance under various workloads.

The widget stands out for its meticulous detail, benefiting those interested in the internal workings of their smartphones or tablets. It presents an extensive list of hardware information, including the type of processor, camera modules, and on which hardware platform the device is built. Particularly beneficial for tech enthusiasts, this utility can detail the duration and frequencies at which the processor has operated over time.

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An added benefit for users is that the app does not contain any advertisements, promoting an uninterrupted experience. The widget is also capable of verifying the authenticity of certain Samsung and HTC models, ensuring users can check whether their device corresponds to genuine market specifications—although it's tailored to a specific list of devices, mostly older Samsung, HTC, and a few others like LG, Sony, ASUS, and NVIDIA models.

When utilizing this tool, users will appreciate its straightforwardness and focus on delivering crucial information without extraneous features. Its no-frills approach is perfect for those who want fast and accurate device diagnostics without navigating through unnecessary features.

Do note that, given its specialized functionality and compatibility focus, the game is deemed most suitable for users who possess a compatible device from the list and have an interest in their device's technical performance data. It aligns with the needs of a particular target market, predominantly tech-savvy individuals who appreciate deeper insights into their device's operation.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by AlekseevSoft.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 or higher required

Information about CpuSensFree 1.1.26

Package Name ru.alekseevsoft.cpusens
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
1 more
Author AlekseevSoft
Downloads 2,131
Date Nov 1, 2020
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.1.24 Jun 17, 2016

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